The next Alliance Board meeting will at the the new home
of the Alliance at 6935 SW Merry Lane
of the Alliance at 6935 SW Merry Lane
at 8:00 pm on Monday the 25th of October.
Agenda Items and mythical Timeline:
8pm Introductions
8:07pm Approval of Minutes from last meeting
8:12pm Phone and internet status report
8:18pm November 19th benefit organized by Howard Rotstein
8:28pm Bank statement and access report
8:33pm Office Organization: Signup Sheet for volunteers
8:40pm Discuss New Members and Strategies for finding more.
8:50pm Announcements and New Business 9:00pm Adjourn...
Meeting Called by Herschel Soles,
Chairman of the Board of Directors of NAAME,
The Northwest Alliance for Alternative
Chairman of the Board of Directors of NAAME,
The Northwest Alliance for Alternative
Media & Education. Publishing The Portland
Alliance Since 1981: Speaking Truth to Power!
Alliance Since 1981: Speaking Truth to Power!
The Board of Directors includes Mike Dee, Tim Flanagan,
Scott Forrester, Mary Otte, & Herschel Soles
Scott Forrester, Mary Otte, & Herschel Soles
(The very first Board of Directors in 1981 only had
six members, but we need a few more.) members, but we need a few more.)
If you care about writing, alternative media,
and the Alliance... please stop by!
and the Alliance... please stop by!
Good people helping to save
Next Editorial Committee Meeting is
Wednesday, October 20,
The third Wednesday
5:45pm to 8pm
5:45pm to 8pm
Our next Editorial Committee meeting
will include writers,
editors, journalists, teachers, s
tudents, volunteers,
and/or others: You are invited to attend this
meeting at the Belmont Library Meeting Room.
We will discuss the current issue and upcoming
issues. Bring submissions. There will be food!
This Meeting takes place at the Belmont Library
Meeting Room We are meeting here for the
convenience of those who don't live near our
Beaverton production office.
Belmont LibraryLocation, phone
- 1038 S.E. César E. Chávez Blvd.
(S.E. 39th Avenue)
- Portland, OR 97214
- 503.988.5382
- Location map /
TriMet: Find a bus
(S.E. 39th Avenue)
TriMet: Find a bus
Hours 5:45pm to 8pm (or come in at 5:30 to setup chairs)
We will discuss material for the October thruDecember Issues and consider modification
to layout, new articles, and ideas for future
editions. We will arrange an office schedule
to get the job done. (editing, copy editing, etc.)
We will also consider new submissions on this
date. This is an open community meeting.
Please join us!
Mark this on your Schedule:
November 19, 2010...
Joe Hill Night!
Come out to support
Alternative Media!
Friday, November 19th,
will be Joe Hill night,
Portland Alliance.
We plan to commemorate
when Joe was executed
on a bogus murder
charge by the state of
Utah in 1915. The location
will be Clementine's
at 510 NE 28th (at Glisan),
General Strike will play and
we will find someone to
headline the show. I will be back in town on oct 19th
and will have heard from the Citizens Band of Olympia,
our first choice of performers. Please start spreading
the word about the show so we can raise enough money
to get the paper moving again. Stress what a good
cause it is to all your friends,
In solidarity, Howard Rotstein,
Distribution Committee of The Portland Alliance
Friday, November 19th,
will be Joe Hill night,
Portland Alliance.
We plan to commemorate
when Joe was executed
on a bogus murder
charge by the state of
Utah in 1915. The location
will be Clementine's
at 510 NE 28th (at Glisan),
General Strike will play and
we will find someone to
headline the show. I will be back in town on oct 19th
and will have heard from the Citizens Band of Olympia,
our first choice of performers. Please start spreading
the word about the show so we can raise enough money
to get the paper moving again. Stress what a good
cause it is to all your friends,
In solidarity, Howard Rotstein,
Distribution Committee of The Portland Alliance
will be Joe Hill night,
Portland Alliance.
We plan to commemorate
when Joe was executed
on a bogus murder
charge by the state of
Utah in 1915. The location
will be Clementine's
at 510 NE 28th (at Glisan),
General Strike will play and
we will find someone to
headline the show. I will be back in town on oct 19th
and will have heard from the Citizens Band of Olympia,
our first choice of performers. Please start spreading
the word about the show so we can raise enough money
to get the paper moving again. Stress what a good
cause it is to all your friends,
In solidarity, Howard Rotstein,
Distribution Committee of The Portland Alliance
Any questions... 503-697-1670
Any questions... 503-697-1670